I have lived in Italy for three years and four months and had the best pizza of my life today! Naples is the birthplace of pizza and I have had some amazing ones here (there are a couple other posts about pizza). But today, my loves, is the day I discovered THE pizza. I did a previous post on the Eat,Pray, Love pizza place, L’Antica Da Pizzeria Michele, that the author mentions in the book. She said that you must try the Pizza Margharita with Double Mozzarella. I did, and it is most certainly the best pizza margharita I have had the pleasure of eating.
The entire menu of this pizzeria is: Pizza Margharita, Pizza Marinara, Coke, Fanta, Water, Birra Peroni. That is it. When MOH (My Other Half) and I went a few weeks ago we both had the Pizza Margharita con Doppia Mozzarella. Sooooooo incredibly good! A gentleman at our table ordered the other pizza which has only sauce and sliced garlic. It looked and smelled sensational and I knew I would have to try it.
I took today off work to hang out with a friend and we took the train to Naples. She hadn’t tried this pizzeria yet so we headed there. We got there a little after 11:30 and were able to get a seat right away (score!). She ordered the margharita with the double mozzarella because, well, you just have to at least once. I ordered the marinara.

Oh, God! I mean, really. Best . . . pizza . . . ever! The sauce was so thick you could eat it with a fork (I know this because I did this). It truly puts the Margharita to shame. Tangy tounge-taesing perfection! Come to Italy; I will take you there.